Happy Easter


Throwback Sunday
Easters Sunday 2016 I was fortunate to attend Sunday Mass hold by Pope Francis.
After a busy Saturday walking/running around Rome i decide to have a lazy Sunday.
Wake up the next day i switched on the TV, the kettle is whispering away and i am rummage to find the least smelly item to put on So far so good. Drinking best the coffee ever, i am astonishment to see the Vatican city on TV with a crowd and the Pope…..It all make sense now, equipment being set up, people selling tress (yes, i can be so oblivious!)
This is an opportunity i cannot miss, throw everything in my handbag and step into my trainers and i run from the centre of Rome to Vatican city…..there is a good chance i mini heart attack, however it was worth it.
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The ambience was beautiful and it’s a once in a lifetime experience